Courses At BCC

  • Christian Essentials is the perfect course for people who have just made that first step of coming to faith in Jesus and also for those who have decided to recommit their lives to Jesus once again. The course runs for eight weeks according to demand, and provides a firm foundation of key Christian truths and practices to help you live a full and vibrant life as a Christian, and to help you experience God for yourself.

    There is plenty of space on the course to ask questions and to have these addressed clearly and honestly. There are also opportunities to share and reflect on your faith journey so far, to become friends with other Christians and to become connected with the community of church.

    Christian Essentials also prepares people for water baptism, which itself becomes a great opportunity to invite family and friends to church.

    Our next Christian Essentials course coming soon!

  • In Luke 19 v 11-26 Jesus taught us that God rewards those who steward their finances well. Our finances are a gift from God that he wants us to steward wisely by operating under His principles.

    In the Fresh Finances course, we explore the differences between our cultural principles and practices concerning the area of finance - and how that differs to what God has instructed in His word.

  • Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Typically Alpha is held on a mid-week evening and lasts for ten weeks. On each occasion there is food, a talk and a chance to ask questions in a group. Approximately half-way through, Alpha participants also have an opportunity to explore further on a fuller Saturday session.

    Alpha works best through personal invitation, and when family or friends get the chance to come along with someone they already know who is a Christian.