Missions At BCC
There is a new era in our approach to missions. Instead of us merely ‘supporting missionaries and causes’ we are going to operate from an intentional calling and leading.
There are already some leadings that are guiding our approach to world missions.
We want to reach cities.
We want to go to places that have unbroken ground and where not much else is happening there.
We want to partner with the indigenous peoples that are already there.
We have begun a journey of bringing both relief, and the planting of a church, to the unbroken ground of the island of Coron in the Philippines. This beautiful island was wrecked in the Haiyan hurricane disaster. We want to build a clinic, a worship centre and a pre-school facility for these people - they really are the last, the least and the lost. There is very little gospel influence on the island and therefore we can make a real difference in one of the unreached parts of the world.
We took small outreach team to Coron in November 2015 to scope out how to progress this work, and Pastor Mark trained some Filipino pastors on church leadership. In the coming years there will be many opportunities to have a meaningful missionary experience on this island.
Please contact our Elder, Jane Bradshaw, through the Info Point in the foyer if you are interested in being part of a missionary interest group, or if you are interested in being part of any of our missions teams.
Every child is unique and deserves the chance to dream, to achieve incredible things and to look forward to a wonderful future. By becoming a sponsor you are helping break the cycle of poverty for your sponsored child and their community.
To become a sponsor in our Child Sponsorship Programme you would need to fill in a Standing Order Form and hand it in at the Info Point on a Sunday. We are asking you to give £15 monthly for at least a year.
As soon as you sign up to be a sponsor, we will send you a welcome pack with a photo of the child you are sponsoring and an overview of their situation so far. We will ask you to pray for a specific child, but to give your money to City Gates Academy, Philippines so that every child can benefit from your generosity. And that's just the start of the journey ... you will get school reports and news letters and even a handmade Christmas card from the children in Coron.
Another BCC team visited Coron. By this time the preschool has approximately 50 children; 25 in the morning and another 25 in the afternoon. The team visited three primary schools and taught teeth care, nutrition and safety in the home. At two high schools the team taught basic life support, choking, contraception, drug awareness and self-esteem. The prayer of salvation was said by every student at both high schools. The team took the youth group, did a bible study at the local house group, preached at three different churches (where people became born again, spirit-filled, speaking in tongues and encouraged) did more kid’s clubs and two clinics at Digiboy and Dimanyang. The team had a wonderful opportunity one evening to share with the preschool teachers and pastor Saldine. Many words of knowledge and encouragement were given. A great success!