The essence of stewardship is the acknowledgment that God owns everything - we were created by Him and all that we have belongs to Him. In accepting that God not only equips us with abilities and talents, but also gives us resources and time, we should begin to see ourselves as stewards or managers rather than owners. This can only happen when we ask the question "God what do you want me to do with the resources you have entrusted to me?" We were not designed to simply be consumers of all that God provides; He wants us to be outward focused and thinking of others.
The stewardship ministry regularly provides teaching classes to equip people in the area of financial management. Our foundation course is Fresh Finances which runs over four sessions; this covers the biblical principles God has laid out for us, along with the practical application to enable you to approach your day to day finances in a more healthy and blessed way.
Contact us for further information via the Information Point on a Sunday or the church office during the week.